When to Call an Emergency Locksmith in Philadelphia 

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The lock on your home or car’s door absolutely has to work. You can’t get into your home or car if it’s not working or if something has happened to your key, and if the lock’s been compromised, that poses a security risk. At times like those, you need to call an emergency locksmith in Philadelphia, PA

You could be tired and not want to deal with the issue, especially if you have another way into your home or car. But these are situations which should be dealt with immediately. An emergency locksmith can fix the problem quickly, and you won’t have to deal with it any longer once their work is done. If you’ve encountered any of the following situations, it’s time to contact a locksmith in Northwest Philadelphia.

You’re Locked out of Your Home or Car

Have you lost your key or left it somewhere else, so now you’re locked out of your home? Have you left your keys inside your car and closed the door, only to realize too late that the door was now locked? You need to call an emergency locksmith. This isn’t a time to hope that someone you gave a spare key to might return your calls before several hours go by; you need to get inside your car or home. 

The locksmith will need to see proof that the car or home is yours, so if you’ve done something like lock your purse in the car, you’ll have to work out what to do with the locksmith when you call. Just let them know that your ID is in a certain location in the car or home and that you need to know how you can prove you’re who you say you are to get the door unlocked.

Your Keys Were Lost or Stolen

If your keys were lost or stolen, you need to get the locks rekeyed immediately. This is easy if the lock is on your house; the locksmith can rekey or install new locks. You’ll get the keys right then and there. Remember to rekey any side or back doors that also use the same keys.

Your car is a little more challenging to handle. You may need to go to an auto service center for your car’s manufacturer to get those locks replaced. But the locksmith can still let you in the car so that you can retrieve your belongings.

Your Key Broke off in the Lock

You wouldn’t think a metal key could just break, but if the key is very old or poor quality, it could break right off in the lock. An emergency locksmith can quickly take care of this and install a new lock. By the way, locks come in different grades, so you can discuss the type of grade you want for the new lock when you call the locksmith.

Your Locks Are Malfunctioning

Sometimes, it’s not the key but the lock itself that’s the problem. A part breaks or jams up, or the building has settled just enough to make it hard to turn the key in the lock. Even electronic keypads have mechanical parts that can malfunction; calling a northeast Philadelphia locksmith to fix those locks is all you can really do.

You’ve Just Been Through a Break-In

While some break-ins are done by literally breaking in through a window or door, others are done by somehow bypassing the lock. Either the crook picked the lock, or they got a copy of your key; in the end, it doesn’t really matter because it shows a weak point in your home’s security. Have an emergency locksmith replace the locks on your home immediately, preferably with a Grade 1 deadbolt that’s harder to pick. Ensure they also install the mortise lock plate with long screws.

The Jefferson Locksmith Company offers regular and emergency locksmith services that help you make your home as secure as possible. If you’ve lost your key or had another problem that prevents you from using the locks on your door, call us for immediate help.

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